This page introduces some tools we have developed for supporting our research and, potentially, other people’s one.
- Dashed line viewer
- Through this tool, you can view the dashed line matching to a given number, together with some statistics.
- Goldbach pairs viewer
- This tool allows viewing all Goldbach pairs in which an even number can be decomposed. The search can be done either for a single number, or for a range, comparing, in the latter case, the pairs of all even numbers it contains. The result can be exported into a text file.
- Crivello di Eratostene bidimensionale
- This tool allows viewing a “bidimensional” version of the sieve of Eratosthenes applied to a given number. Differently from its classic version, the result is shown as a two-way table, in which rows and columns are labeled with all numbers up to the given one, with their sum at intersections; like in the traditional sieve of Eratosthenes, all composite numbers are excluded. Clicking on a cell, all other ones containing the same sum are highlighted. The table can also be exported in different format, so it can be analyzed more deeply.
- Factorizer
- This tool allows decomposing a number into its prime factors, and computing the value of some functions related to them, for example the sum of its divisors or the value of Möbius’s μ function.